Thursday, October 1, 2015

Irving's: Scrumptiously Organic

Alright guys, so I know you're going to be ecstatic about this, because I know I am. I found a delicious, relatively inexpensive cafe smack dab in the middle of College Ave! How could this possibly get any better you ask? Well, I'll tell you... THEY'RE ORGANIC!

Before I delve into the deliciousness that is Irving's Cafe, please allow me to provide some background on my organic experiences, and the health benefits of organic food. 

Organic eating is very important to me, which is why I was so excited when I was introduced to Irving's. For the past seven or so years, my mom managed a few different organic gardens that sold their vegetables through CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture). Through a CSA you either pay up front for a weekly share of produce for the season, or you work in the garden to cut the price of the share down. Early on my mom ingrained in my family eating fresh, local food was important, so it was not a surprise when I got a job as a waitress in a local, farm-to-table restaurant called Emma's Food for Life. Both of these experiences have taught me some very valuable information on what's good for you to eat and what isn't: hence my blog about eating healthy.

Throughout my life, I've come across a lot of misconceptions about organic food that I want to clear up right now. I remember in my freshman bio class when the teacher asked if anyone knew what organic meant, and one of my classmates shouted out "gross." That could not be further from the truth! Organic simply means that the produce is grown without the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, or GMOs (genetically modified organisms), and that the meat/dairy products aren't pumped full of growth hormones or antibiotics. ORGANIC=ALL NATURAL.

There are a myriad of health benefits associated with eating organic food opposed to your "conventional" food. Organic produce has a higher antioxidant capacity, most likely due to less foreign chemicals interfering with the vitamins, minerals and organic compounds in the plant. Another advantage is that there are a reduced number of pesticides, meaning you are limiting your intake of harmful chemicals like organophosphorus (which is also used in nerve gases, just saying). The last benefit I'm going to touch on is antibiotic resistance. We take antibiotics to combat infection, but if we eat meat, dairy, or eggs that are pumped full of them, we will build up a resistance, rendering them ineffective when we need them the most. I don't want to ramble on, so if you want to learn more about the benefits of organic food, please visit this informative website I found!

Now, back to Irving's! So the other Sunday after the Penn State vs. Rutgers game, I went on a date with a guy named Jacob (yes, he was exceptionally cute), and requested he choose a breakfast place for us to go to, even though it was 1 pm. He obviously knew some good eateries around town having lived here longer, and I was on the hunt for my next blog topic. So when he let me know of a delicious cafe, I was completely down for the new experience. 

Walking into Irving's, the thing that I noticed first was its modern, bustling atmosphere. It was a promising sign that the line almost stretched out the door! After Jacob assured me it would move swiftly, I took a closer look around. They had a "Taste the Difference" theme that immediately sparked my interest. I only included one of these pictures from their campaign, so you'll have to take a trip downtown to see the rest of them. I also want to give a quick shout out to all the people who hurriedly ducked out of my way as a took these pictures. 

What captured my attention the most though was the large chalk board hanging from the ceiling that outlined Irving's winning features. 

As we approached the extensive menu near the register, I asked Jacob what his favorite item was. He told me that the homemade bagels were some of the best he's ever had, which was an impressive complement coming from a native New York-er. Taking his word for it, I ordered a toasted onion bagel with cream cheese and for an energy booster I got a Laguna Peach smoothie, which was a, "creamy combination of peaches, strawberries and apple juice." Jacob ordered what he apparently got almost every time he went there: their breakfast special, "a State College Legend! Your choice of bagel with egg, American cheese, and bacon, sausage, tomato or Canadian bacon." Understandably going with the bacon, we settled in for our wait. 

I completely forgive the wait time considering how many people were packed in there, and most importantly, because of the deliciousness that ensued once we received our food. The bagel, warm and chewy on the inside and perfectly browned and crunchy on the outside, was as promised, one of the best one's I've ever had. Obviously stealing some of his breakfast special, I almost forgot that it wasn't mine when I went for a second bite. Oddly enough, I'm not a big fan of eggs, but the ones on the sandwich practically melted in my mouth, adding to the food-gasm I was experiencing. Once he wrestled back his brunch, I sipped my smoothie, and if the bagel and sandwich didn't ensure I was coming back for seconds, the smoothie did. Perfectly blended and balanced, it complemented my simple bagel perfectly! 

Since I went to Irving's with Jacob, I've already been back once (they have great iced coffee by the way), and plan on going many more times! In fact, after writing this post I'm starving for another taste of that sandwich, so after class today I'm probably going to head down there again.

Thank you for reading, and I hope I convinced some people out there that organic eating isn't gross, but healthier and more delicious than "conventional" cuisine. 


  1. I cannot tell you how many times I've passed by Irving's, without thinking twice about it and it's apparent wonders you made clear through this post! Just looking at that bagel has my stomach rumbling. I will definitely be sure to check it out now.

  2. That bagel sandwich is so good looking! I've been looking for a place to get bagels and I think I've found it.

    I completely understand your quest for fresh, local food. I kind of grew up on a farm and there really is no beating fresh off the plant produce.

  3. I didn't even know this place existed! I share your passion for organic foods, I am a vegetarian ! You're blog really allows me to really have choices when it comes to finding my next meal rather than eating at the commons daily or any other place with very unhealthy options. Love the humorous and authentic tone of your blog, I'll surely be keeping up with you each week!
