Thursday, October 29, 2015

Cracker Craziness! Delicious Dorm Snacks #3

Well hello again everyone!

This week I will be writing my third installment of Delicious Dorm Snacks! I've been craving bread lately, but as I'm sure you all know, eating too much bread can make you gain a bunch of weight! Well I'm not having any of that, so I have a better alternative for my gluten desire: crackers!

When eating crackers, there is less of an intake of carbs compared to bread (as long as you don't eat too many) and because they are more dense you'll be filled up faster! Here are some fantastically easy cracker snacks if I do say so myself. 

The ingredients you'll need that you can't get in the commons are crackers, peanut-butter, and jelly.

PBJ Crackers

As I have said in my previous posts peanut-butter is a MUST for your dorm, so if you don't have any I implore you to go buy a jar. Its versatility is amazing!

This was probably the easiest and most self-explanatory of the three snacks this week. 

What you need:
  • crackers
  • peanut-butter
  • jelly 
  • knife
You simply spread on the peanut-butter and then jelly and voila! An easy PB and J without as many carbs and calories!

Pizza Bites 

So this was by far my favorite snack this week, and maybe even my favorite out of all the ones I've posted. Almost everyone thinks pizza is delicious, but we all know that it's not good for us in all of its greasy goodness. Well, I've come up with a great alternative to grabbing a slice, and you don't have to buy a whole box for a bite!

What you'll need:
  • crackers
  • cheese
  • tomato sauce (pasta sauce is close enough)
  • spoon
The great thing about this recipe is that you only need to get the crackers from the store. You can procure the cheese and tomato sauce from Pollock Commons (warning: you will get weird looks when you just ask for pasta sauce from where they serve pasta or slices of cheese from the sandwich counter).

To make these tasty morsels you first rip up slices of cheese and place them on the crackers. Then you stick that in the microwave for 20-25 seconds (keep an eye on it! It WILL start to bubble quickly). Then, after you take that out, just ladle the pasta sauce on top and you'll have some bomb pizza bites. When I offered some to my roommates they were begging me to make more!

Fruit and Crackers

For my last creation I didn't want to go with boring cheese and crackers (although you can still try that out) so I changed it up a bit! 

What you need:
  • crackers
  • apples
  • grapes
  • peanut-butter (I told you it was useful)
  • yogurt (I love the strawberry kind)
So for this one I did three separate kinds of fruit and crackers, one using peanut-butter and the other two using yogurt. 

Peanut-butter and apples were my first of three. You just spread out the peanut-butter and plop on the apples!

Second, also using apples, you brake the pieces up, placed them on the cracker, and spoon the yogurt on top. 

Lastly, I used my favorite fruit: grapes! You cut the grapes in half hot-dog style (throwback to kindergarten) and placed them middle down on the cracker. You want to cut them in half so that they don't roll off. To finish it off just ladle the yogurt on top. 

Thank you for reading this week and I hope these cracker ideas help you beat the Freshman Fifteen!

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