Thursday, October 22, 2015

State College's Very Own Locust Lane Farmers' Market!

Hello everyone, and thanks for checking out my blog this week!

So I'm really pumped about this blog post because its topic has sentimental value to me. Don't worry I'm not going to get all teary eyed on you, so you can put away the tissues!

If you read a previous post of mine about Irving's Cafe, you'll know that in my hometown I work at a small farm-to-table restaurant as a waitress. At the restaurant we primarily use meat from the animals my boss, Emma, raises at her farm. What I didn't say in the post is that I also run a stand at the local farmers' market for her during the summer selling the eggs and pork products we didn't need to use in the restaurant. In addition to that, the year before I was working for Emma I helped my mom manage a stand, where we sold the vegetables and plants she grew. Over those two years I became part of the family the vendors had. This relationship has made me feel a kinship towards vendors of all farmers' markets, ensuring that the second I heard State College had one I wanted to check it out.

The thing I love most about farmers' markets is that you never know what you'll find! Typically there are a few produce stands, a handful of people selling plants and seedlings, usually baked goods, hopefully meat and eggs (that was me!), and a variety of other items. I know that in my hometown there was even a man who sold his handmade furniture!

It's the most beneficial to customers when there are multiple stands that sell similar goods. That way there are competitive prices, meaning we receive less expensive merchandise. Also, it means more of a variety: if one vendor doesn't have what you're looking for, another probably will!

Fortunately for us, State College's market has a great assortment of vendors.

 To start, there are two produce stalls. One of them is your typical stand with everything from peppers and apples to nuts and pumpkins. The other one is run by the Amish, and besides produce they also have a bunch of other items including raw milk, yogurt and ICE CREAM!!!! Yes, I'm aware this is a blog about eating healthy, but I can't help myself, it's ice cream.

There is also a man who sells some delectable salsa. I even bought a delicious raspberry salsa for my mom's birthday earlier this week, although I don't know I will be able to stop myself from devouring it before the next time I see her.

In addition to those vendors, there is also a woman who sells house plants and bouquets from a hippy van. Great for college students, she has a wide variety of succulents that need very little maintenance. The only thing you have to worry about is watering them too much.

Next was my favorite stand, but I love things that smell good so that would be why. The man was selling handmade, organic, aromatic items. His repertoire includes soaps, chap-stick, lotions, shampoos, oils, body sprays, a plethora of candles, and much more. I live in the dorms so no candles for me, but I did get a lavender vanilla soap bar and a lavender body spray that I use regularly, and they are fantastic! Not too overwhelming, the subtle scent of lavender is calming, while the soap does a great job cleaning and moisturizing!

One of the last stands I scoped out made me really excited. They sell a myriad of baked goods along with scrumptious looking macaroons. What inspired my excitement the most though was that everything was gluten free. If you can't eat gluten, like my friend Lydia (who is going to be receiving a gift soon), this is the spot for you!

The Market is open from 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. every Friday on the corner of College Ave. and Locust Lane, so I encourage everyone to at least go and see if there's something you like. The fresh, local ingredients would be a great addition to the recipes I've previously mentioned in my blog or anything you can think of on your own. If you are interested though, you need to hurry! The last day the Market is open is Tuesday, November 3, which is only two weeks away.

Thank you for reading, and I hope I convinced you to visit State College's very own farmers' market!


  1. Great post! I had no idea that State College had a farmers market, and I definitely want to go on November 3ed to see what it's like, although your blog did a fantastic job describing it! As always, your writing style is fun and light, I was smiling as some of your asides!

  2. This sounds amazing and I can't believe I haven't been yet. We have a huge farmers market back home and I have been missing the atmosphere of everyone gathered around looking at everything the vendors have to offer. That salsa also sounds fantastic and I can't wait to get some. Farmers markets are a great way to get fresh produce to ensure that you are eating clean. I also appreciate you showing the other things they have besides food. I may have to check it out tonight!
