Thursday, October 8, 2015

Delicious Dorm Snacks #2

Hey everyone, and welcome back! If you haven't been to my blog before, thanks for checking it out! This is my second delicious dorm snack installment, and I've got to say, it's been quite an experience...

So this week, after scouring Pinterest obviously, I came across some recipe ideas that looked quite promising. I have to tell you, don't always believe everything you read (except my blog of course).

After a debacle involving egg, milk, and bread, I settled on three different choices: apples and peanut butter, cucumber sandwiches, and last but certainly not least, scrambled eggs. For all of these recipes the only things you need to have on hand are peanut butter and eggs, everything else can be found in your food commons!

Now, what's this debacle I mentioned? Well I'll tell you. One of the recipes I came across that immediately interested me was french toast that you could make in the microwave. Sounds awesome right? Yeah, I thought so too. Turns out it's either too good to be true, or I just can't work a microwave correctly. Either way, it was just a sticky disaster that was edible but looked quite unappealing.

Apple Slices with Peanut Butter
The first successful snack I completed was simple and delicious! It's not something I think of very often, but apple slices with peanut butter is always a favorite. I'm sure almost everyone has heard the saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Well it's true! Apples are high in antioxidant and fiber, which boosts your immune system and helps regulate your digestive system. It has also been statistically proven that eating apples helps reduce the risk of getting serious diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, type two diabetes, and different kinds of cancers.

Cucumber Sandwiches
Next, I was super classy (don't laugh at me, it's the truth) and made cucumber sandwiches. This was also incredible easy. The original source I got it from just used cucumbers and cheese slices, but I spruced it up a bit.

What you'll need:

  • Sliced cucumbers
  • yogurt 
  • sliced cheese
  • lunch meat
  • shredded carrots
  • salt (optional, although cucumbers and salt is to die for)
It's quite simple really, you just make sure each cucumber has a match and then you either dollop on some yogurt or pile the ingredients up whichever way you want. I left the yogurt sandwiches alone, but for the other ones I mixed and matched as you can see above! I've got to say, the yogurt sandwiches were definitely my favorite. They reminded me of a delicious tzatziki sauce! For anyone who doesn't know, tzatziki is a Greek sauce that typically has cucumbers, garlic, salt, olive oil, and a mixture of herbs like dill and parsley (it's out of this world). 

Microwaved Scrambled Eggs
So this was a really great find. Although I typically don't like eating eggs, on occasion I'll indulge in ones of the scrabbled variety. The only way I'll eat them though is if they have a bunch of different ingredients mixed in, otherwise it's no fun!

What you'll need:
  • eggs
  • cheese
  • milk
  • lunch meat
  • microwave
  • microwave safe dish
  • fork
All I did was crack two eggs into my mug, whisk it up with a fork, sprinkle in pieces of cheese and turkey, and then stick it in the microwave. It's important to stir the eggs up every thirty seconds so that they don't stick to the sides. Before the last thirty seconds I let it cook, I added a splash of milk for creaminess. 

All of these recipes were extremely delicious and easy to make. I'll hope you can enjoy them as much as I did! 

Thanks for reading!


  1. These are all great ideas and seem so easy to do! I have had peanut butter on apples countless times, and I have heard of making scrambled eggs in the microwave, but the cucumber sandwiches were the most inventive of these items. I would never have considered putting yogurt on cucumber, but it sounds delicious, especially when you mix it up with the other veggies and cheese. I can't wait to try some of these out, especially the eggs because its so simple and would certainly save me a trip to the dining hall.

  2. These are some great, simple ideas. I'm always at a loss of what to eat when I'm in my dorm room and don't want a whole meal from commons or ramen noodles. I'll have to try these sometime! I like how you modified the recipes you found and of course the great pictures!

  3. This post was full of really good ideas! I will definitely try them all. Being the broke college student that I am, I mostly just have a handful of dry cereal, a spoonful of peanut butter, and a leftover apple from the dining commons when I eat in my room. These ideas are definitely doable and way more nutritious than what I have been eating. Thanks for a great post!

  4. The scrambled eggs look like a great idea! I really wish I knew how to cook more things in the microwave. Every time my roommate tries to make something in the microwave, we have to clean up afterwards... Maybe this one will work out for us.

  5. I appreciate that you incorporated your Pinterest fail along with your successes. We all know that avid Pinterest browsers inevitably find something with the thought "WOW! Why didn't I think of that?" and then upon attempt, it fails miserably. It'a very smart that you incorporate items that can be found in our dining common's because without a car, I know a lot of people feel very limited with their options. Awesome post!

  6. Wonderful post! These are all so easy and they sound delicious, I can't wait to try them out! As always, your writing style is fun and conversational, and I can't wait to read more.

  7. I love your blog! With limited access to cooking utensils, your snacks are easy and look absolutely delicious. I really enjoy reading your blog and I can't wait to try these for myself!

  8. I am definitely trying out that microwaved scrambled eggs, especially since the scrambled eggs at my dining commons don't taste good at all. Great post! Lots of people love hearing about your healthy dorm snacks so keep up the good work
